Corporate Yoga
Classes • Workshops • Team building • Retreats
Employees who report a high degree of stress in their lives miss twice as many work days as employees who report
a low degree of stress.
Work - Life Balance
Corporate Yoga is a great way to improve workplace morale, increase productivity and bring everyone together to do something fun as a group.

We are all familiar with back pain problems caused by long sitting by the desk. Corporate Yoga will be focusing on strengthening and lengthening the muscles to release the tension in the back and the whole body lowering stress levels, increasing focus and concentration.
Benefits of Corporate Yoga
For Businesses
For Employees
  • Reduced stress, anxiety and depression
  • Increased energy and decreased fatigue
  • Improved memory, focus and concentration
  • Stronger muscles and increased flexibility
  • Improved posture
  • Improved overall health and reduced risk for diseases, including cancer
  • Increased productivity
  • Decreased health care premiums
  • Reduced staff turnover
  • Reduced employee absenteeism
  • Higher job satisfaction amongst employees
  • More respect for senior management of companies
  • More attractive to potential employees seeking employment with your company
About The Classes
The yoga, meditation and Pranayama classes are customised to fit the needs of your employees and company.
Most of the classes are all-levels and are suitable for almost anyone, even absolute beginners.
We recommend practicing yoga at least twice a week, but even once a week will have noticeable results.

Classes can be done in the morning before the working day starts to set the tone of the day in a peaceful and calming manner. If you are looking to get more energy for the second half of the working day then we can arrange a class in the afternoon at least one hour after the lunch.
One class consists off
Pranayama (breathing practices)
Technics for relaxation
About The Workshops
Workshops are aimed to bring people deeper into the Yoga and Meditation practice. It can be a part of your team’s one day seminar and provide support to open up for more creative brainstorming.
All Workshops are tailor-made to best fit your needs and provide help for building strategies and yearly planning.
About Team building and Retreats
This segment is important to highlight the tone of your ideas, strategies and inspirations for future goals. Energising yoga class with a calming and relaxing meditation afterwards can be a great way to start off your team building activities. Name the time and date and I will see you on the mat.
After the meeting with the dedicated team responsible for team building activities I will send the plan and pricing dependent on the number of hours and number of people.

You can also outsource planning and organisation and provide a full Yoga retreat experience to your team. This will bring people closer together and enhance their personal growth through spirituality.
Provide a benefit to your team that no other employer has.