She has an established meditation practice thought by Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh in the Plum Village Tradition, Mahayana Buddhism. Believing she is an eternal student of yoga, her joy is to share all the benefits this practice can bring to people's lives, both on and off the mat.
She sees yoga as a daily ritual where people tune deeply in to their spiritual center and experience the peace of the Eternal Divine.
Katalina is known for her motivational and inspirational style of teaching, believing that anyone can achieve what they want if they put their mind to it
Yoga is as strong as you make it and takes you as deep as you are willing
to go. 1.14: sa tu dīrgha kāla nairantarya satkārā‘‘sevito dṛḍhabhūmiḥ. We become grounded in practice when it is done uninterruptedly, for a long time,
with devotion.

If you’d like to go to Mysore to study with Sharath Ji, more info can be found here:
While containing six series of postures, most practitioners spend their entire lives working
on the first or Primary Series of Ashtanga Yoga because its level of strength and flexibility is already quite challenging.

Yet the Primary Series is a complete practice
that can help you heal your body and mind.
The physical practice of yoga can be likened
to brushing your teeth.
Ashtanga literally means eight limbs and is defined
by the sacred yogic text, Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras as Yama (moral codes), Niyama (self-purification and study), Asana (posture), Pranayama (breath control), Pratyahara (sense control), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation) and Samadhi (total peace).

Ideally teachers are well-versed in all eight limbs before they begin teaching so that they may truly guide the student through the entire journey of yoga.
Ashtanga Yoga
Ashtanga literally means eight limbs and is defined by the sacred yogic text, Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras
as Yama (moral codes), Niyama
(self-purification and study),
Asana (posture), Pranayama (breath control), Pratyahara (sense control), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation) and Samadhi (total peace).

Ideally teachers are well-versed in
all eight limbs before they begin teaching so that they may truly guide the student through the entire journey of yoga.
While containing six series
of postures, most practitioners spend their entire lives working on the first or Primary Series of Ashtanga Yoga because its level of strength and flexibility is already quite challenging.

Yet the Primary Series is a complete practice that can help you heal your body and mind. The physical practice of yoga can be likened to brushing your teeth.
Yoga is as strong as you make it and takes you
as deep as you are willing to go. 1.14: sa tu dīrgha kāla nairantarya satkārā ‘‘sevito dṛḍhabhūmiḥ.
We become grounded in practice when it is done uninterruptedly, for a long time, with devotion.

If you’d like to go to Mysore to study with Sharath Ji, more info can be found here:
As a key component of my daily spiritual practice, I sit morning and evening. Cultivating a mindful state of presence has helped me move past deeply personal psychological issues and healed me in ways beyond what words can describe.

I have maintained a traditional meditation practice thought by Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh.
If you’d like to join a donated-based meditation retreat, it will change your life.